I was so inspired by the #philbitescomp twitter contest that I wrote a short history of philosophy in tweetable fragments of songs.
Parmenides’ lament:
I guess it will make a change
when things stop changing
Heracleitus’ blues:
I cried you the same river
Plato’s polka:
two steps out of the cave
and look at what you’re doing
Descartes’ swan song:
unbidden unwelcome it counts
yet for a penny I perish
Bishop Berkeley’s soccer fan chant:
Hey Samuel Johnson
You’re kicking that rock in my mind
Locke’s lullaby:
You’ve licked your plate clean
And now what do you know?
Kant’s shanty:
it’s a long way
from first principles
Voltaire’s spiritual:
Think low sweet chariot
Believe in Him and don’t cheat me
Hegel’s Carroll:
Give up the ghosts of times past
Master and slave, together at last
Marx’s revolutionary song:
I saw you coming Ford, a mile away
But Lenin came out of left field
Heidegger’s Rap:
With all my sein, I’ll do my zeit
Those sons of canines might not bite
Derrida and Wittgenstein’s duet:
Brick by brick move by move
you say circuses I say no more
High school philosophy teacher’s tattoo:
Be rational
you scabs