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Communication – Metaphor Hacker
Extended writing Metaphor

Character Assasination through Metaphoric Pomposity: When one metaphor is not enough

George Lakoff is known for saying that “metaphors can kill” and he’s not wrong. But in that, metaphors are no different from any other language. The simple amoral imperative “Kill!” will do the job just as nicely. Nor are metaphors any better or worse at obfuscating than any other type of language. But they are […]

Extended writing Framing History Metaphor Scholarship

The natural logistics of life: The Internet really changes almost nothing

This is a post that has been germinating for a long time. But it was most immediately inspired by Marshall Poe‘s article claiming that “The Internet Changes Nothing“. And as it turns out, I mostly agree. OK, this may sound a bit paradoxical. Twelve years ago, when I submitted my first column to be published, […]