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Buffy the Vampire Slayer – Metaphor Hacker
Education Extended writing History Language

Three books of the year 2013 and some books of the century 1900-2013

I have been asked (as every year) to nominate three books of the year for Lidové Noviny (a Czech paper I contribute to occasionally). This is always a tough choice for me and some years I don’t even bother responding. This is because I don’t tend to read books ‘of the moment’ and range widely […]

Extended writing Language Metaphor

Language learning in literature as a source domain for generative metaphors about anything

In my thinking about things human, I often like to draw on the domain of second language learning as the source of analogies. The problem is that relatively few people in the English speaking world have experience with language learning to such an extent that they can actually map things onto it. In fact, in […]