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Mark Johnson – Metaphor Hacker
Education Extended writing History Language

Three books of the year 2013 and some books of the century 1900-2013

I have been asked (as every year) to nominate three books of the year for Lidové Noviny (a Czech paper I contribute to occasionally). This is always a tough choice for me and some years I don’t even bother responding. This is because I don’t tend to read books ‘of the moment’ and range widely […]

Extended writing Framing Language Metaphor Philosophy of Science

Pervasiveness of Obliging Metaphors in Thought and Deed

“when history is at its most obliging, the history-writer needs be at his most wary.” (China by John Keay) I came across this nugget of wisdom when I was re-reading the Introduction to John Keay’s history of China. And it struck me that in some way this quote could be a part of the motto […]