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teacher – Metaphor Hacker
Extended writing Framing Language Metaphor Philosophy of Science

Pervasiveness of Obliging Metaphors in Thought and Deed

“when history is at its most obliging, the history-writer needs be at his most wary.” (China by John Keay) I came across this nugget of wisdom when I was re-reading the Introduction to John Keay’s history of China. And it struck me that in some way this quote could be a part of the motto […]

Education Extended writing Knowledge Language Linguistics

Pseudo-education as a weapon: Beyond the ridiculous in linguistic prescriptivism

Most of us are all too happy to repeat clichés about education to motivate ourselves and others to engage in this liminal ritual of mass socialization. One such phrase is “knowledge is power”. It is used to refer not just to education, of course, but to all sorts of intelligence gathering from business to politics. […]