While people keep banging on about Chomsky as being the be all and end all of linguistics (I’m looking at you philosophers of language), there have been many linguists who have had a much more substantial impact on how we actually think about language in a way that matters. In my post on why Chomsky is […]
Tag: Grammar
Drafty This was written in some haste and needs further refinement. Maybe one day that will come. For now, it will be left as it stands. Background This post outlines what I think are the key learnings from the output of the research of the field of linguistics that should be reflected in the general […]
For some reason, many accomplished people, when they are done accomplishing what they’ve set out to accomplish, turn their minds to questions like: What is primary, thought or language. What is primary, culture or language. What is primary, thought or culture. I’d like to offer a small metaphor hack for solving or rather dissolving these […]
Most of us are all too happy to repeat clichés about education to motivate ourselves and others to engage in this liminal ritual of mass socialization. One such phrase is “knowledge is power”. It is used to refer not just to education, of course, but to all sorts of intelligence gathering from business to politics. […]