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Politics – Metaphor Hacker
Extended writing Metaphor

Why don’t metaphorical hawks kill metaphorical doves?

A very common metaphor in the political discourse on war is that of doves (peaceniks) and hawks (war-mongers). It has been around at least since the cold war. But it stops at “doves=peaceful” and “hawks=aggressive”. It completely ignores other properties of the animals, e.g. the fact that “hawks hunt and kill doves”. I did a […]

Blending Extended writing Framing Knowledge Metaphor

Do science fiction writers dream of fascist dictatorships?

Some years ago in a book review, I made an off-the-cuff comment that thriller writers tend to be quite right-wing in their outlook whereas science fiction authors are much more progressive and leftist. This is obviously an undue generalisation (as most of such comments tend to be) but it felt intuitively right. Even then I […]