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Metaphor – Page 3 – Metaphor Hacker
Extended writing Language Linguistics Metaphor

The complexities of simple: What simple language proponents should know about linguistics [updated]

Update Part of this post was incorporated into an article I wrote with Brian Kelly and Alistair McNaught that appeared in the December issue of Ariadne. As part of that work and feedback from Alistair and Brian, I expanded the final section from a simple list of bullets into a more detailed research programme. You […]

Extended writing Framing History Knowledge Language Metaphor Philosophy of Science

Cliches, information and metaphors: Overcoming prejudice with metahor hacking and getting it back again

“We have to use cliches,” said professor Abhijit Banerjee at the start of his LSE lecture on Poor Economics. “The world is just too complicated.” He continued. “Which is why it is all the more important, we choose the right cliches.” [I’m paraphrasing here.] This is an insight at the very heart of linguistics. Every […]

Extended writing Metaphor

Character Assasination through Metaphoric Pomposity: When one metaphor is not enough

George Lakoff is known for saying that “metaphors can kill” and he’s not wrong. But in that, metaphors are no different from any other language. The simple amoral imperative “Kill!” will do the job just as nicely. Nor are metaphors any better or worse at obfuscating than any other type of language. But they are […]

Metaphor Scholarship

RaAM 9 Abstract: Of Doves and Cocks: Collective Negotiation of a Metaphoric Seduction

Given how long I’ve been studying metaphor (at least since 1991 when I first encountered Lakoff and Johnson’s work and full on since 2000) it is amazing that I have yet to attend a RaAM (Researching and Applying Metaphor) conference. I had an abstract accepted to one of the previous RaAMs but couldn’t go. This […]

Extended writing Framing Metaphor

Moral Compass Metaphor Points to Surprising Places

I thought the moral compass metaphor has mostly left current political discourse but it just cropped up – this time pointing from left to right – as David Plouffe accused Mitt Romney of not having one. As I keep repeating, George Lakoff once said “Metaphors can kill.” And Moral Compass has certainly done its share […]

Language Metaphor Scholarship

There’s more to memory than the brain: Psychologists run clever experiments, make trivial claims, take gullible internet by storm

Image via Wikipedia The online media are drawn to any “scientific” claims about the internet’s influence on our nature as humans like flies to a pile of excrement. Sadly, in this metaphor, only the flies are figurative. The latest heap of manure to instigate an annoying buzzing cloud of commentary from Wired to the BBC, […]

Knowledge Linguistics Metaphor

The death of a memory: Missing metaphors of remembering and forgetting?

I have forgotten a lot of things in my life. Names, faces, numbers, words, facts, events, quotes. Just like for anyone, forgetting is as much a part of my life as remembering. Memories short and long come and go. But only twice in my life have I seen a good memory die under suspicious circumstances. […]

Extended writing History Metaphor

Killer App is a bad metaphor for historical trends, good for pseudoteaching

Niall Ferguson wrote in The Guardian some time ago about how awful history education has become with these “new-fangled” 40-year-old methods like focusing on “history skills” that leads to kids leaving school knowing “unconnected fragments of Western history: Henry VIII and Hitler, with a small dose of Martin Luther King, Jr.” but not who was […]

Extended writing Language Metaphor

Language learning in literature as a source domain for generative metaphors about anything

In my thinking about things human, I often like to draw on the domain of second language learning as the source of analogies. The problem is that relatively few people in the English speaking world have experience with language learning to such an extent that they can actually map things onto it. In fact, in […]

Blending Metaphor

You don’t have to be a xenophobe to think Britain being an island matters, but it helps!

I have a distinct feeling of writing about this somewhere but can’t find it, so here’s the rant redux. The images on which our thinking and reasoning are based can sometimes exert a powerful force. There are many mechanisms we use to counter that force but sometimes it is very difficult. It seems particularly difficult […]